Liqvd Asia acquires AdLift. Broadens its digital offering.

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that raised eyebrows.

Good gets better when you #ShareYourLight: Connecting the disconnected souls during Diwali through a toll-free number.

Diwali symbolizes the light of celebration, connecting relationships, and fostering joy. Yet, in the shadows, there's an India in old-age homes and shelters, yearning for the light of hope during the festival. The insight underscores that nothing illuminates Diwali like the light of kindness, which has the power to bring hope and build connections.

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#FlauntYourBefikar: Staying relevant to the Gen-Zs with design language that embodies their bold and befikar expression.

In the fast-paced world of Gen-Z's social media consumption, a hair and personal care brand faces the challenge of standing out amid the clutter. Leveraging the insight that Gen-Z embraces fearless self-expression without stereotypes, the brand aims to captivate their attention by aligning with their cool and comfortable style.

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Keep fighting, keep winning: Tapped into well-known athletes who have triumphed over cancer to inspire the ones fighting the battle through a gripping narrative by Pfizer.

Pfizer, a cancer research pioneer, seeks to provide more than just treatment by creating an inspiring film recognizing cancer patients as winners, not just survivors. Understanding that the will to fight is crucial, the goal is to offer patients the inspiration they need, drawing from the real-life triumphs of those who have redefined the term 'Cancer Survivor.'

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We love the spirit of Abbys. Be it creative or media,
we have won it all. But we still go back for it.
Heaven knows we have been Kyoorius.
And we have a few elephants in the room to prove it.
Two things haven’t changed since the beginning:
1) Our digital first DNA.
2) Our winning streak at IDMA.
In all honesty, we always had the X factor.
It was proven when Digixx awarded us
the Social Media Agency of the Year.

We tranform

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